About Us

The Cyber Estate Ecosystem

Created by Blockchain Engineer Felix Mercedes with the help and Knowledge of Real Estate Agents and Brokers, Together created the Cyber Estate Ecosystem using the State-of-the-Art technology known as Blockchain. Cyber Estate has developed a way to reverse-engineer the blockchain ecosystem process and make it compatible with our physical World by using blockchain technology to digitalize Real Estate and other physical Assets. Built on the decentralized Ethereum blockchain, Cyber Estate’s goal is to revolutionize The Real Estate World completely. 

How it Works

The Digitalization of Land & Real Estate

Cyber Estate has Revolutionized the Real Estate World by using a process of digitalization called Tokenization by using this system, we are able to break down & digitalize physical Assets to the bear minimum digitally by the 1/4 of a square foot, to make Real Estate assets affordable to all investors from all walks of life and from anywhere around the World. 

Buying Property with Cyber Estate

Cyber Estate works like a Real Estate management company, as Real Estate is posted for sale by Cyber Estate and is sold. The owners of every parcel will vote on proposals for what will be done with the Estate. Everything will be decided through the DAO! Giving participants complete decentralized power over their Estate. 

How the DAO controls every aspect of your

Once you purchase in the property of your choice, the DAO is the voting mechanism that runs the Cyber Estate Ecosystem. So every person participating will have a voice in the future of their Estate! Whether it’s to build on land purchase or an addon to a rental property in the future. This voting system lives inside the blockchain, the most transparent ways to place a vote in the World. 

Property Proposals (DAO)

The DAO, also known as the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is the voting system used in Cyber Estate for participates to vote on proposals. Every estate will come with its own voting system for investors to vote on the future of their rental estate as they see fit. 

Voting Power

Voting power in Cyber Estate properties is distributed by the square foot. The more square footage of specific property owned, the more voting power you will have when making decisions on the property as a whole. (Some properties may have a limit of square footage per wallet.)

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